Opening the conference on the taxation incentives to shipping companies
Presentation Prof ª. Maria Teresa Sierra and Prof. Mata. Begoña Pérez Bernabeu
The limitations imposed by the European Union fiscal policy of member states
State aid: concept and characters. special reference to state aid for fiscal nature
Presentation Prof. Luis Muleiro
State aid and EU case law
Presentation Prof ª. Dr. Ana María Pita Grandal
The different legal regimes that shaped the tax lease, determine the consideration of the assembly as a single measure of State aid
Presentation: Gemma Martínez Barbara
Delimitation of early repayment in the shipbuilding sector as State aid
Presentation Núria Fariña
Similar to tax lease schemes in EU countries
J.M. Lobo Orensanz presentation
Basics. Session 1
Tempus-OSMOSE Project
Opening the event.
Spot Summer Science Campus
Conference presentation
Opening of the meeting
Theme 3 - Session 1
Isabel Riveiro Alarcón Presentation.
Presentation of Charles Perrings
Interview with Stephen Olsen
3 Day Startup Vigo
Presentation of Laura Castro Santos
Opening of the conference " The role of flags of convenience in the fisheries sector and rules of the European Union"
Conferences´s Opening
The coastal law reform
First session