If you don't find work, create it
Career of illustration
Art and Research
Research and Commission
Roundtable: Introduction of cross contents about estuaries in the curriculum. Juan Hermida
The discursive construction of the sea in children's literature of Juan Farias. Question Time
Roundtable: Introduction of cross contents about estuaries in the curriculum. Victor Caamaño
The discursive construction of the sea in children's literature of Juan Farias
Roundtable: Introduction of cross contents about estuaries in the curriculum. Pedro Pombo
Roundtable: Introduction of cross contents about estuaries in the curriculum. Luisa Martínez
Poetry Reading: Antonio García Teijeiro
Poetry reading: Fran Alonso
Roundtable. Presentation
What is a ria?
The LIJ in the context of migration. Qualitative research with immigrant adolescents
OCEÁNTICA: the educational project of the Campus do Mar
Qualitative study on attitudes of the mediators to the difficult issues considered LIJ
Question and answer session
A socioeconomic-territorial view of rias from the ports
The War of Succession and the latest issue of children's literature
The Hunger Games: a modern classic