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  •  »  Causes and consequences of biological invasions: the case of vinagrillo (Oxalis pes-caprae)

Causes and consequences of biological invasions: the case of vinagrillo (Oxalis pes-caprae)

Date of holding: 25/02/2013

Viewed: 287 times

Biological invasions are a major threat to ecosystems are currently facing. Its effects can manifest in many ways. However, so far little is known about the consequences, ecological and evolutionary, which may have biological invasion processes. The results of a joint project conducted by researchers at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and University of Vigo (Spain) in which they have tried to clarify the patterns that govern the processes of biological invasion research presented in this video. To this end, researchers have worked with the species of plant native to South Africa, Oxalis pes-caprae, which currently acts as invasive in all ecosystems Mediterranean climate.

Grupo de Ecología y Evolución de Plantas y Divulgare.
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