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  •  »  Transnational Story-making and "dreaming latitude"

Transnational Story-making and "dreaming latitude"

Date of holding: 19/09/2011

Viewed: 3039 times

"Dreaming latitude" is a disconcerting proposition. But perhaps writing a transnational story between two cities through two oceans (Atlantic and Pacific), you can investigate this possibility. In this conference, the collaborative nature of this research for Vigo (Galicia) and Wollongwong (Illawarra, Australia) will be discussed. Can the literary writing of these cities and the collaboration among them reveal innovative strategies for the negotiation of cultural differences in the local and global space? Can the "coastal sensitivity" inspire more latitude to manage the difference?

Writer and Academic, Professor at Wollongong University
Conference introduced by Dr. Belén Martín Lucas
Professor at the department of English, French and German Philology, Faculty of Philology and Translation, University of Vigo
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