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Presentation of the subject Localization of web pages

Date of holding: 11/10/2019

Viewed: 6 times

The coordinator of the master, Dr. Ana María Pereira, was pleased to officially inaugurate the 2019-20 course of the master. Then, the respective coordinators of the different modules of the master presented the theoretical-methodological, audiovisual, location and practical modules. And, subsequently, teachers of the subjects of the first four-month period presented these subjects. Finally, as a culmination of the inaugural event, Santiago García Sanz (prestigious professor, researcher, professional locator and project manager for videogames), gave us a conference entitled Hic sunt dracones: challenges of the video game locator in Spain.

PhD. Manuel Mata Pastor
Lecturer of the subject "Localization of web pages" of the Translation Multimedia Master (MTM) of the University of Vigo
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