Presentation of the Audiovisual module

Recording date: Oct 11, 2019
Viewed: 5 times

The coordinator of the master, Dr. Ana María Pereira, was pleased to officially inaugurate the 2019-20 course of the master. Then, the respective coordinators of the different modules of the master presented the theoretical-methodological, audiovisual, location and practical modules. And, subsequently, teachers of the subjects of the first four-month period presented these subjects. Finally, as a culmination of the inaugural event, Santiago García Sanz (prestigious professor, researcher, professional locator and project manager for videogames), gave us a conference entitled Hic sunt dracones: challenges of the video game locator in Spain.

  • : PhD. Lourdes Lorenzo García
    Professor of the subject "Dubbing" of the Master in Multimedia Translation (MTM) of the University of Vigo


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