
Recording date: Jun 1, 2016
Viewed: 647 times

Presentation of David Wethey

The conference will focus on research that David Wethey and Sarah Woodin have been carrying out in recent years in collaboration with Elsa Vazquez and Celia Olabarría group Ecoloxía Costeira at the University of Vigo under the MARISCO project ("Banks shellfishing in Galicia : risk prevention produced by extreme events on commercially important species ")

  • Conference introduced by: Mr. Damián Costas Costas
    Responsable del Área de Cultivos Marinos de la ECIMAT, University of Vigo
  • : Dr. David Wethey
    Professor of Biological Sciences and Marine Science, University of South Carolina, USA
  • : Ms. Sarah Woodin
    Carolina Dist. Professor Marine Science Program, University of South Carolina


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