Presentation of the matter of grammatical Foundations III
The word: Internal structure
The word: ACTIVITIES OF LESSON 1 (nº1 to nº 14)
Activities 15 of Chapter 1 and criteria to classify types of compound words
LESSON 2. Criteria for words
LESSON 2. Nuclear words and words of argument
Review of activities OF THE LESSON 2.
Review of the exercises 1-4 LESSON 2 bis.
Review of activities of lesson 2 (4-6) and 1 syntactic analysis
Review of activities on the theme 2 bis (13-15) and the syntactic analysis 3
Writing a script for sound. Session 1
Seminar To-Translate Historical Memory (Opening)
Opening act
Etymology and the OED: linguistic approaches to lexicographical problems
Transnational Story-making and "dreaming latitude"
Methodology 1A - Exhibition
Welcome by the course coordinator
Presentation of the opening ceremony
Presentation of the paper by Karl Schurstier
Presentation module theoretical and methodological
Seminar To-Translate Historical Memory (Colloquium)
Presentation of theoretical and methodological module
The history of Galician through onomastics
Presentation:Translation as Intercultural Communication
Methodology 2A - Exhibition