Theoretical-methodological module
Presentation: Intercultural aspects of the Multimedia Translation
Block I
Block II
Presentation Audiovisual Translation
Presentation of "Voice-Over" module
Presentation of "Subtitling"
Presentation of Videogame Localization
Videogame Localization
Roundtable: Introduction of cross contents about estuaries in the curriculum. Juan Hermida
Roundtable: Introduction of cross contents about estuaries in the curriculum. Victor Caamaño
Roundtable: Introduction of cross contents about estuaries in the curriculum. Pedro Pombo
Roundtable: Introduction of cross contents about estuaries in the curriculum. Luisa Martínez
Roundtable. Presentation
What is a ria?
OCEÁNTICA: the educational project of the Campus do Mar
Question and answer session
A socioeconomic-territorial view of rias from the ports
The economy of the estuaries from past to present
Intelligent management of the estuaries: the role of technology
Pollution and impacts on estuaries
The functioning of the rias