Theoretical-methodological module
Presentation: Intercultural aspects of the Multimedia Translation
Block I
Block II
Presentation Audiovisual Translation
Presentation of "Voice-Over" module
Presentation of "Subtitling"
Presentation of Videogame Localization
Videogame Localization
Welcome and Opening of the meeting
Opening of the formative round table of the "Feel the Sea" initiative and video presentation
Summary Oceántica
Exposicion of Xaime Toxo, about educative Intervention and school attention to boys/girls with vision problems
Bringing ocean science into the classroom. Presentation
Plastics in the marine environment: a global problem
MOOCs : An Overview
working with people who are blind
Object recognition blindfolded
Bringing ocean science into the classroom
Oceántica. Full video
The O of Openness in MOOC, Open Educational Resources
Transmission of artistic knowledge through other senses
Challenges of the knowledge of the sea from a CIS
Bringing ocean science into the classroom. Summary in Galician
Educational experience
Question and answer session
Introduction to edX : a practical perspective