Executive committees and I+D clusters

Recording date: Jul 21, 2011
Viewed: 4310 times

Election of the second level of governance

Election of members of the executive committees of Research, Transfer, Internationalisation, Teaching and Talent Recruitment and Social Outreach, and Scientific Culture, dependent on the relevant areas in which the Campus do Mar is divided and thus forming the second level of organization.

The Commission of Inquiry in turn comprises four clusters, around which research groups of the institutions of the CIS are organized by areas of knowledge. Clustering Ocean Observation and Global Change research will be coordinated by the IEO researcher Antonio Bode, and will count with Xosé Antón Álvarez Salgado as deputy coordinator, from the Institute of Marine Research, IIM. The Cluster of Sustainable Use of Resources will be directed by Alicia Estévez Toranzo, from the USC, along with two vice-coordinators, Isabel Medina, from IIM, and Javier Pereiro, from IEO.

  • : Mr. Salustiano Mato de la Iglesia
    Chancellor, University of Vigo