Campus do Mar on the beach
Campus do Mar on the beach (extended version)
Welcome and pass of the video summary of the project "Sustainability in women: contributions of women to the sustainability of the sea"Welcome and pass of the video summary of the project "Sustainability in women: contributions of women to the sustainability of the sea"
Marine life in a high CO₂ world
Francisco Chávez presentation
Campus do Mar Workshop with Students of Secondary Education
Introduction of Harry L .Bryden
Presentation of Jacob de Boer
Spot Summer Science Campus
Into the deep: epibenthic communities on the continental slope of Atlantic Canada
Introducing Fidel Echevarría
Signing of collaboration Campus do Mar - University of Cape Verde
Bioecology of Sepiola atlantica in Galician waters
Presentation of Ramiro Logares
Campus do Mar Communication Course for researchers opening
Presentation of Charles Perrings