Background knowledge and aims of the course.
Stalagmite fluid inclusions and what they tell us about tropical temperature and hydrologic change across the last glacial termination.
How warm was the tropical ocean during the Cretaceous super-green house?
Earth's surface and climate. Introduction to the climate forcing(s), feedback(s), and response(s).
Global temperature. Climate and timescales of climate change. Climate variability versus climate change.
Modes of climate variability. Earth's temperature and the energy balance. Earth's equilibrium climate sensitivity.
Explorando la climatología de planetas terrestres.
Sun's luminosity, greenhouse gasses, and Earth's habitability. The long- term climate evolution of Earth's climate. Baseline states of Earth's climate.
Baseline states of Earth's climate. Long-term climate-carbon cycle coupling. 66 Myr of climate evolution.
Orbital-scale changes. The glacial- interglacial cycles of the Pleistocene Epoch. The Middle Pleistocene transition.