Opening & Introduction
Preparation of analytical standards for Ciguatoxins in the Pacific
Questions. Preparation of analytical standards for Ciguatoxins in the Pacific
Current and emerging methods for the analysis of cyanobacteria toxins: challenges and needs
Questions. Current and emerging methods for the analysis of cyanobacteria toxins: challenges and needs
Non -Toxic Mediators of Cyanobacteria Toxic Metabolites - Do We Overlook Their Importance?
Questions. Non -Toxic Mediators of Cyanobacteria Toxic Metabolites - Do We Overlook Their Importance?
Toxins and other bioactive metabolites produced by the Baltic cyanobacteria
Questions. Toxins and other bioactive metabolites produced by the Baltic cyanobacteria
Cyanotoxins as emerging contaminants in matrixes other than water and health implications
Shift from microcystins dominance to anatoxin-a dominance in the cyanotoxin population of lake garda
Questions. Shift from microcystins dominance to anatoxin-a dominance in the cyanotoxin population of lake garda
Opening and welcome
Presentation of the subject
Campus do Mar Communication Course for researchers opening
Presentation of the 2018 Summer Science Campus. (Lorena Cariño Welcome)
Presentation Ángel Rodríguez de Lera
Presentation of the 2015 Summer Science Campus
Introduction to Waste Management
Alganat. Project Video
Discover. The organisms at the molecular level.
Group I. Botany. (Exposition). They are invading, and now what?
Determination of Toxins involved in ciguatera and related seafood toxins
Theme 1: Management of municipal solid waste and industrial waste in Galicia
Group I. Botany: Teacher Appreciation
Presentation of the 2018 Summer Science Campus. (Mary Lires Welcome)
Welcomes Salustiano Mato, President of the University of Vigo
Sea Medicines
The communication of science to society