How to give a terrible talk
Practical workshop of experimental design - Looking for the research quality
Applications of the design of experiments in plant genetic improvement
How to make a successful panel
Statistical paradigms - Hypothesis contrast
Statistical paradigms
Generalized linear models, AIC and deviance standardization
Evaluation of the scientific production and publications
The plant secondary metabolism
Welcome and pass of the video summary of the project "Sustainability in women: contributions of women to the sustainability of the sea"Welcome and pass of the video summary of the project "Sustainability in women: contributions of women to the sustainability of the sea"
Marine life in a high CO₂ world
Campus do Mar Communication Course for researchers opening
Campus do Mar Workshop with Students of Secondary Education
Introduction of Harry L .Bryden
Into the deep: epibenthic communities on the continental slope of Atlantic Canada
Introducing Fidel Echevarría
Francisco Chávez presentation
Campus do Mar on the beach
Signing of collaboration Campus do Mar - University of Cape Verde
Bioecology of Sepiola atlantica in Galician waters
Presentation of Ramiro Logares
Presentation of Jacob de Boer
Spot Summer Science Campus
Presentation of Charles Perrings