Risk analysis and management of environmental information in the contingency plan, Galicia territory

Recording date: May 3, 2012
Viewed: 3538 times

Question and answer session

ANCORIM Project aims to contribute to strengthening the capacities of managers of the Atlantic coast in the management and prevention of coastal hazards, taking into account, in particular, the aggravating factor of climate change.
On March 15, the National Conference of ANCORIM Project was celebrated at Vigo University to discuss the main results of the project and other initiatives related to Galician and Spanish coastal risk management.

  • Conference introduced by: Mrs. Raquel Díez
    Zone Technician at The Technology Center of the Sea, CATMAR
  • : Mr. Pedro Montero
    Head of the Oceanographic Modeling Unit, INTECMAR. Technological Institute of the Marine Environment of Galicia


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