Into the deep: epibenthic communities on the continental slope of Atlantic Canada

Recording date: Oct 25, 2011
Viewed: 3304 times


Dr. Metaxas described the relationships between the characteristics of the habitat and the associated populations of benthic invertebrates in several regions of the Gulf of Maine and the continental slope in Nova Scotia. Since 2006, her team has collected systematically images used for quantifying the distribution of the habitat on a large scale and describe the associations of epibenthic megafauna in these habitats. These studies may help to the identification of pathways of connection between differents habitats in the region and be a help to the guidelines for the management and conservation.

  • Conference introduced by: Dr. Elsa Vázquez Otero
    Professor, Marine Sciences Faculty, University of Vigo
  • : Prof. Anna Metaxas
    Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University


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