Arquitectura de ordenadores. Curso 2020 / 2021
Master of Nutrition 20 / 21
Electronics Basics 20/21
MarENet project.
Training & Labour Market Matching Workshop
New trends in seafood processing and conservation
Introduction to mathematical modeling 2020
Modality: CFT- Transversal Training Course
Surveillance and monitoring of health status of aquaculture and wild populations 2020
Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish II - 19 - 20
Cryobiology and Thermal Ecology
Arquitectura de ordenadores. Curso 2019 / 2020
Arte Medieval. Curso 19/20
Alganat 2000. Low cost mapping of intertidal seaweed. Demo workshop
Presentation of the tool developed and the results of the project in a demonstration workshop open to the public