Master of Nutrition 15/16
Comprehensive assessment of marine pollution in the coastal zone. 1516_CFA10
History of Iberian cultures
I Seminar on education and training in contemporary art from the museums, art centers, foundations and institutions.
Round table on artistic education in the University. Teaching strategies.
Direction and Technology Management
Oral language to deaf and sign language as a second language
Strategies and methods of teaching and learning languages
Doctoral Programme on Equity and Innovation in Education
PhD in Equity
PHD Dissertation: Lutjanidae reproductive ecology of the northern coast of Bahia, Brazil
Contributions to the sustainable management of artisanal fisheries
General Linguistics 15/16
Degree in Language Sciences and Literature Studies
Scientific and technical advice for the assessment and management of small-scale fisheries (SSF). 1415_CFA9
History and Sea. 1415_CFA7