II International Conference of the Network of Excellence Legal-Maritime Studies (REDEXMAR)
The role of flags of convenience in the fisheries sector and rules of the European Union
Summer Scientific Campus 2016
The project's main objective is to introduce students to the basic techniques and concepts research in biological oceanography.
Forecasting Effects of Extreme Events on Shellfisheries in Galicia
Scientific Program Presentations "Coffee with salt"
An ecosystem approach to small-scale fisheries in Latin America
Seminar of scientific writing 15/16 CFT5
Writing techniques and scientific publications proposals
New technologies for processing and preserving of seafood CFA4
Processing and preserving seafood, from the perspective of industrial and market reality
The ecosystem approach in fisheries in small-scale. concept and application CFA5
ID. the main ecological interactions of species and fisheries
Creation and Research in Contemporary Art
PhD in communication 2016
Design & Fashion future LAB
Ultimos avances en nuevos materiales, así como casos de éxito en su desarrollo y aplicación al ámbito del diseño actual.
Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish 2 15/16