Total search results: 6218
Developing simple tools for transferring the biology to the management in small scale fisheries: the case of a sword razor clam fishery in Galicia
International Meeting on Marine Research 2014 - for speakers only
Questions: Developing simple tools for transferring the biology to the management in small scale fisheries: the case of a sword razor clam fishery in Galicia
Questions: The concept of a new wave energy converter – the CECO
Including cetaceans in multi-species assessment models from strandings data: why, how and what can be do about it?
Population genetics of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) in the seas of Turkey based on microsatellite DNA
Conference: The History of Studying Endothermy in Fishes, focusing on the elasmobranchs
Questions: Including cetaceans in multi-species assessment models from strandings data: why, how and what can be do about it?
Presentation: The History of Studying Endothermy in Fishes, focusing on the elasmobranchs
Trends in the number of extreme hot SST days along the Canary upwelling system due to the influence of upwelling
Questions: The History of Studying Endothermy in Fishes, focusing on the elasmobranchs
Evidence of increased anthropogenic emissions of platinum in coastal systems from time-series analysis of mussels samples (1991-2011)
Questions: O. vulgaris paralarvae vertical distribution in a fluctuating upwelling-downwelling system