Total search results: 6218
Questions: Modern marine drug discovery in the post-genomic era
International Meeting on Marine Research 2014 - for speakers only
Questions:Survival of the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus in seawater and its bioencapsulation in the brine shrimp Artemia
Survival of the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus in seawater and its bioencapsulation in the brine shrimp Artemia
Marine cyanobacteria as sources of new biotechnological applications
Presentation: Modern marine drug discovery in the post-genomic era
Effect of different binders and encapsulation techniques in the structure and functional properties of microdiets for fish larvae
De novo assembly of Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) and protozoan parasite (Perkinsus olseni) transcriptome from RNA-Seq data
Conference: Growth curve modeling, a new perspective on fish growth dynamics – implications for fisheries research and aquaculture
Presentation: Growth curve modeling, a new perspective on fish growth dynamics – implications for fisheries research and aquaculture
Sensitivity improvement of an immuno-detection method for azaspiracids based on the use of microspheres coupled to a flow-fluorimetry system
Prevalence of Calicivirius and Hepatitis A virus in Bivalve Mollusks from Galicia
Welcome Session