Total search results: 6214
Course Description (III)
New technologies for processing and preserving of seafood CFA4
Course Description (II)
Course Description (I)
How are the Galician fisheries performing against a social-ecological systems framework?
The ecosystem approach in fisheries in small-scale. concept and application CFA5
Co-management in small-scale fisheries and its relevance for the ecosystem approach to fisheries (III)
Co-management in small-scale fisheries and its relevance for the ecosystem approach to fisheries (II)
Co-management in small-scale fisheries and its relevance for the ecosystem approach to fisheries (I)
Ecosystem approach to fisheries, operationalization, indicators and external drivers (III)
Ecosystem approach to fisheries, operationalization, indicators and external drivers (II)
Ecosystem approach to fisheries, operationalization, indicators and external drivers (I)
Governance of natural resources (III)
Governance of natural resources (II)