Multimedia objects with tag: Conferencia
Date: 10/2017
Chemical diversity in the genus Gambierdiscus, with focus on Ciguatoxins and Maitotoxins
- 90 experts fathom in the advancements and challenges, with special atention to the emergent toxines
- Language: English
- Viewed: 225 times
Global changes and marine toxins: recent trends and needs in emergent toxin
- 90 experts fathom in the advancements and challenges, with special atention to the emergent toxines
- Language: English
- Viewed: 271 times
Session conclusions
- 90 experts fathom in the advancements and challenges, with special atention to the emergent toxines
- Language: English
- Viewed: 331 times
Intervention of Triantafyllos Kaloudis
- 90 experts fathom in the advancements and challenges, with special atention to the emergent toxines
- Language: English
- Viewed: 385 times
Intervention of José Antonio Rodríguez
- 90 experts fathom in the advancements and challenges, with special atention to the emergent toxines
- Language: English
- Viewed: 363 times
Intervention of Ana Gago
- 90 experts fathom in the advancements and challenges, with special atention to the emergent toxines
- Language: English
- Viewed: 376 times
Intervention of Emilio Fernández
- 90 experts fathom in the advancements and challenges, with special atention to the emergent toxines
- Language: English
- Viewed: 400 times
Presentation of Michael A. Quilliam
- 90 experts fathom in the advancements and challenges, with special atention to the emergent toxines
- Language: English
- Viewed: 393 times
Keynote: Recent Developments in Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry of Algal Toxins
- 90 experts fathom in the advancements and challenges, with special atention to the emergent toxines
- Language: English
- Viewed: 198 times
Linguistica aplicada (MILA). 4ª y 5ª sesión
Linguistica aplicada (MILA). Curso 17-18
- Language: English
- Viewed: 42 times
Date: 08/2017
Questions. Designing marine spatial property rights for moving fish
Designing marine spatial property rights for moving fish
- Language: English
- Viewed: 565 times