Marine and Coastal 3

Recording date: Nov 17, 2022
Viewed: 1 time

The course is centred on the study of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services From Mapping to Modeling.
The course will follow a problem-based paradigm, learning the most advanced Ecosystem Services
mapping and modeling techniques from theory and practice using case studies.

  • : Edna Cabecinha
    University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
  • : Ferdinando Villa
    Dr.Villa’s research sits at the multi-faceted interface of linguistics, computer science, social science,
  • : Alessio Bulckaen
    Alessio Bulckaen holds an Msc in Economics from U. Louvain and has completed postgraduate advanced courses in Sustainable Energy Systems
  • : Simone Varandas


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