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The Syntactic Analysis (3) II

Date of holding: 14/02/2019

Viewed: 7 times

Explanation and commentary on the syntax sequence analysis: "The electrician, accused of stealing the Codex, broke his silence at The second session of the oral judgment and commented that he does not remember confessing before the instructor that he was the author of the subtraction of this literary gem. " Specifically, the rules and conventions are applied in the tree representation of syntactic analysis of the constitutive-functional type, the APPOINTED MOFFIDATORS and their representation, hierarchy of modifiers and argumental nouns. Also, they are commented questions about strategies and identification tests in the syntactic analysis, especially differences between ADVERBIAL COMPLEMENTS and CIRCUMSTANCIAL COMPLEMENTS.

Mr. Xosé A. Fernández Salgado
Professor at the University of Vigo
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