Standardization and certification of I+D+i
J.M. Lobo Orensanz presentation
3 Day Startup Vigo
Opening the conference on the taxation incentives to shipping companies
Opening the event.
Spot Summer Science Campus
Basics. Session 1
Presentation of Charles Perrings
Theme 3 - Session 1
Presentation of Laura Castro Santos
Isabel Riveiro Alarcón Presentation.
Presentation Prof ª. Maria Teresa Sierra and Prof. Mata. Begoña Pérez Bernabeu
Overfishing. Harvesting more than cultivated.
Rights and Tenure in Fisheries Targeting Seabed Resources
Development instrument for support of I+D+i bussines projects in the maritime and fishing industry
Theme 3 - Session 2
Methodology for the economic assessment of floating offshore wind farms through cost analysis phases of its life cycle.
Theme 4: The developing countries
Contextualization of the Maritime Strategy 'Eixo Atlantic'