Master of Nutrition 17 / 18
Oct 13, 2017
Nutrition postgraduate presentation
- Private video | Spanish | 43' 58''
: Mr. Lucas GonzálezPhd in Biology, University of Vigo
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY: Structure and function of the hypothalamus
- Private video | Spanish | 93' 04''
: Ms. PhD Yolanda Diz-ChavesResearcher and Professor at the University of Vigo
Oct 18, 2017
HUMAN NUTRITION: General structure of the digestive system
- Private video | Spanish | 82' 34''
: Ph.D. Encarnación de Miguel VillegasAssociate Professor. Department of Functional Biology and Health Sciences, University of Vigo
- Private video | Spanish | 123' 50''
: Dr. Joaquín San José ArangoFamily doctor
Oct 19, 2017
HUMAN NUTRITION: General structure of the digestive system
- Private video | Spanish | 99' 15''
: Ph.D. Encarnación de Miguel VillegasAssociate Professor. Department of Functional Biology and Health Sciences, University of Vigo
Endocrine System general concepts
BASIC ENDOCRINOLOGY AND CLINIC: Endocrine System general concepts
- Private video | Spanish | 52' 17''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
BASIC ENDOCRINOLOGY AND CLINIC: Endocrine System general concepts
- Private video | Spanish | 42' 33''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
Oct 20, 2017
HUMAN NUTRITION: General structure of the digestive system
- Private video | Spanish | 100' 43''
: Ph.D. Encarnación de Miguel VillegasAssociate Professor. Department of Functional Biology and Health Sciences, University of Vigo
- Private video | Spanish | 137' 57''
: Dr. Joaquín San José ArangoFamily doctor
Oct 25, 2017
HUMAN NUTRITION: General structure of the digestive system
- Private video | Spanish | 105' 38''
: Ph.D. Encarnación de Miguel VillegasAssociate Professor. Department of Functional Biology and Health Sciences, University of Vigo
BASIC ENDOCRINOLOGY AND CLINIC: Endocrine System general concepts
- Private video | Spanish | 53' 30''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
BASIC ENDOCRINOLOGY AND CLINIC: Endocrine System general concepts
- Private video | Spanish | 60' 06''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
Oct 26, 2017
The Pituitary
- Private video | Spanish | 55' 18''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
- Private video | Spanish | 50' 14''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
Metabolism and its Pathology. Glycolysis
- Private video | Spanish | 48' 59''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Metabolism and its Pathology. Glycolysis
- Private video | Spanish | 40' 14''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Oct 27, 2017
BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY. Iodine intake and metabolism. Hypothyroidism
- Private video | Spanish | 101' 30''
: Dr. Ricardo García-Mayor GarcíaChief of Endocrinology Service, General Hospital of Vigo
- Private video | Spanish | 121' 48''
: Dr. Joaquín San José ArangoFamily doctor
Nov 2, 2017
HUMAN NUTRITION: Energy needs, basal metabolism and needs during activity
- Private video | Spanish | 67' 24''
: Manuel Penín ÁlvarezMedical specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
HUMAN NUTRITION: Energy balances, anabolism and catabolism and regulatory hormones
- Private video | Spanish | 30' 22''
: Manuel Penín ÁlvarezMedical specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY: The blood-brain barrier
- Private video | Spanish | 90' 51''
: Dr. Carlos Spuch CalvarDisorder and mental health Research Group, Rebullón Psychiatric Hospital. Institute of Biomedical Research of Vigo (IBIV)
Nov 3, 2017
BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY. Hyperthyroidism. Thyroid Masses
- Private video | Spanish | 100' 57''
: Dr. Ricardo García-Mayor GarcíaChief of Endocrinology Service, General Hospital of Vigo
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Lactotrope Axis: Prolactin (PRL)
- Private video | Spanish | 102' 05''
: Dr. Carlos Spuch CalvarDisorder and mental health Research Group, Rebullón Psychiatric Hospital. Institute of Biomedical Research of Vigo (IBIV)
Nov 8, 2017
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY: Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetological Education
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY: Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetological Education
- Private video | Spanish | 80' 31''
: PhD. Reyes Luna CanoEndocrinologist, University Hospital Complex of Vigo (CHUVI)
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY: Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetological Education
- Private video | Spanish | 38' 26''
: PhD. Reyes Luna CanoEndocrinologist, University Hospital Complex of Vigo (CHUVI)
- Private video | Spanish | 95' 15''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Nov 9, 2017
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY: Treatment of diabetes and insulin therapy
- Private video | Spanish | 112' 57''
: PhD. Reyes Luna CanoEndocrinologist, University Hospital Complex of Vigo (CHUVI)
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY: Oxidation of fatty acids
- Private video | Spanish | 99' 54''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Nov 10, 2017
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Hormones and behavior
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Hormones and behavior
- Private video | Spanish | 98' 22''
: Dr. Raquel Gómez de HerasDepartment of Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, UCM
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Hormones and behavior
- Private video | Spanish | 119' 14''
: Dr. Raquel Gómez de HerasDepartment of Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, UCM
Nov 15, 2017
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY: New Technologies in diabetes. Gestational diabetes
- Private video | Spanish | 87' 50''
: Dr. M.ª Reyes Luna CanoEndocrinology Service, Cíes General Hospital
BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY: Calcium-phosphorus-magnesium metabolism and its pathology
BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY: Calcium-phosphorus-magnesium metabolism and its pathology
- Private video | Spanish | 53' 49''
: Jaime Lorenzo CarreroEndocrinology Service, POVISA - Hospital Sant-Luc [Bruselas]
BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY: Calcium-phosphorus-magnesium metabolism and its pathology
- Private video | Spanish | 48' 46''
: Jaime Lorenzo CarreroEndocrinology Service, POVISA - Hospital Sant-Luc [Bruselas]
Nov 16, 2017
BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY: Calcium-phosphorus-magnesium metabolism and its pathology
- Private video | Spanish | 46' 16''
: Jaime Lorenzo CarreroEndocrinology Service, POVISA - Hospital Sant-Luc [Bruselas]
BASIC AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY: Calcium-phosphorus-magnesium metabolism and its pathology
- Private video | Spanish | 47' 16''
: Jaime Lorenzo CarreroEndocrinology Service, POVISA - Hospital Sant-Luc [Bruselas]
Nov 17, 2017
Nutrition in the stages of life
HUMAN NUTRITION. Nutrition in the stages of life, nutrition in aging
- Private video | Spanish | 52' 43''
: Manuel Penín ÁlvarezMedical specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
HUMAN NUTRITION. Nutrition in the stages of life, nutrition in aging
- Private video | Spanish | 35' 53''
: Manuel Penín ÁlvarezMedical specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Oxidation of amino acids and production of urea
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Oxidation of amino acids and production of urea
- Private video | Spanish | 56' 09''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Oxidation of amino acids and production of urea
- Private video | Spanish | 43' 58''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Nov 22, 2017
HUMAN NUTRITION: Hepatic Function
HUMAN NUTRITION: Hepatic Function
- Private video | Spanish | 45' 25''
: Juan Turnes VázquezDepartment of Gastroenterology, Pontevedra Hospital Complex
HUMAN NUTRITION: Hepatic Function
- Private video | Spanish | 43' 05''
: Juan Turnes VázquezDepartment of Gastroenterology, Pontevedra Hospital Complex
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY: Control of intake and regulation
- Private video | Spanish | 81' 14''
: Mr. Miguel LópezDepartment of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela
Nov 23, 2017
- Private video | Spanish | 87' 35''
: Ms. PhD Yolanda Diz-ChavesResearcher and Professor at the University of Vigo
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY: Oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport chain
- Private video | Spanish | 107' 04''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Nov 24, 2017
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY: Evaluation of hypothalamic masses and adenomas
- Private video | Spanish | 96' 43''
: Ms. Concepción Páramo FernándezDoctor, University HC of Vigo
HUMAN NUTRITION: Nutrition in the elderly
- Private video | Spanish | 54' 23''
: Ms. Concepción Páramo FernándezDoctor, University HC of Vigo
Nov 29, 2017
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY: Biological rhythms and melatonin
- Private video | Spanish | 108' 58''
: Mr. Jesús MíguezFunctional biology and Health Sciences Department, University of Vigo
Pancreatic islet
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Pancreatic islet and regulation of insulin secretion
- Private video | Spanish | 56' 51''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Pancreatic islet and regulation of insulin secretion
- Private video | Spanish | 67' 29''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
Nov 30, 2017
- Private video | Spanish | 86' 41''
: Ms. PhD Yolanda Diz-ChavesResearcher and Professor at the University of Vigo
Biosynthesis of carbohydrates
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Biosynthesis of carbohydrates I
- Private video | Spanish | 63' 10''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Biosynthesis of carbohydrates II
- Private video | Spanish | 35' 33''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Dec 1, 2017
Thyroid pathology
- Private video | Spanish | 65' 26''
: Ms Pilar SantiestebanInstitute for Biomedical Research, CSIC
- Private video | Spanish | 102' 09''
: Ms Pilar SantiestebanInstitute for Biomedical Research, CSIC
Dec 13, 2017
HUMAN NUTRITION: Sensory system: Taste and Smell (I)
- Private video | Spanish | 85' 26''
: Mr. José Antonio Lamas CastroProfessor, University of Vigo
Lipid biosynthesis
- Private video | Spanish | 58' 32''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
- Private video | Spanish | 43' 02''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
Dec 15, 2017
- Private video | Spanish | 113' 00''
: Ms. Paula Sánchez SobrinoMD. Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition , Montecelo Hospital
Integration of metabolism
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Integration of metabolism I
- Private video | Spanish | 66' 56''
: Mr. Alejandro de Carlos VillamarínBiochemistry Department, University of Vigo
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Integration of metabolism II
- Private video | Spanish | 24' 34''
Dec 20, 2017
HUMAN NUTRITION: Sensory system: Taste and Smell (II)
- Private video | Spanish | 96' 25''
: Mr. José Antonio Lamas CastroProfessor, University of Vigo
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Somatotrope axis. Growth hormone
- Private video | Spanish | 110' 54''
: Mr. Lucas GonzálezPhd in Biology, University of Vigo
Dec 21, 2017
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Reproductive function and Nutrition
- Private video | Spanish | 97' 31''
: Ms. PhD Yolanda Diz-ChavesResearcher and Professor at the University of Vigo
METABOLISM AND ITS PATHOLOGY. Pathophysiology and clinical management of obesity
- Private video | Spanish | 126' 12''
: Ms. Paula Sánchez SobrinoMD. Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition , Montecelo Hospital
Jan 10, 2018
Nutrition and sport
HUMAN NUTRITION. Nutrition and sport: Hydration and exercise. Nutritional ergogenic aids
- Private video | Spanish | 69' 08''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
HUMAN NUTRITION. Nutrition and sport: Hydration and exercise. Nutritional ergogenic aids
- Private video | Spanish | 46' 25''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
HUMAN NUTRITION: Sensory system: Taste and Smell (III)
- Private video | Spanish | 82' 22''
: Mr. José Antonio Lamas CastroProfessor, University of Vigo
Jan 11, 2018
HUMAN NUTRITION: Nutrition and sports: energy metabolism in exercise and nutritional assessment of the athlete
- Private video | Spanish | 116' 57''
: Mr. José Luis García SoidánProfessor of Physiology, First Aid, Biological Bases of motion in the Faculty of Education Pontevedra
Jan 12, 2018
HUMAN NUTRITION. Nutrition and sport: Hydration and exercise. Nutritional ergogenic aids II
- Private video | Spanish | 144' 08''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
Feb 8, 2018
Dietary. Vitamins in Health
Dietary. Vitamins in Health
- Private video | Spanish | 53' 52''
: Manuel Penín ÁlvarezMedical specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
Dietary. Vitamins in Health
- Private video | Spanish | 32' 43''
: Manuel Penín ÁlvarezMedical specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
THERAPY WITH DIETS. Hydrosaline metabolism. Sodium-controlled diet. Potassium-controlled diet. High blood pressure diet
- Private video | Spanish | 88' 45''
: Ms. Paula Sánchez SobrinoMD. Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition , Montecelo Hospital
Feb 9, 2018
DIETOTHERAPY: Nutritional support in food behavior disorders. Anorexia and bulimia
- Private video | Spanish | 63' 19''
: Dr. Ricardo García-Mayor GarcíaChief of Endocrinology Service, General Hospital of Vigo
DIETOTHERAPY: Diarrhea and constipation. Poor in fibers, rich in fibers diet
- Private video | Spanish | 122' 48''
: Dr. Joaquín San José ArangoFamily doctor
Feb 15, 2018
THERAPY WITH DIETS: Nutritional support in pancreatitis. Nutritional support in the patient with pancreatectomy
- Private video | Spanish | 78' 43''
: Ms. María Francisco GonzálezDepartment of Gastroenterology
DIETETICS. Dietary treatment of obesity
- Private video | Spanish | 105' 49''
: Ms. Paula Sánchez SobrinoMD. Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition , Montecelo Hospital
Feb 16, 2018
DIETHERAPY: Anemia and hemochromatosis
- Private video | Spanish | 83' 01''
: Ms. María Francisco GonzálezDepartment of Gastroenterology
DIETHERAPY: Nutritional support in inflammatory bowel disease
- Private video | Spanish | 39' 44''
: Ms. María Francisco GonzálezDepartment of Gastroenterology
Feb 22, 2018
Dietotherapy: Nutritional support in the oncologic patient. Cachexia-Anorexia syndrome
Dietotherapy: Nutritional support in the oncologic patient. Cachexia-Anorexia syndrome
- Private video | Spanish | 85' 13''
: Ms. María Francisco GonzálezDepartment of Gastroenterology
Dietotherapy: Nutritional support in the oncologic patient. Cachexia-Anorexia syndrome
- Private video | Spanish | 2' 32''
: Ms. María Francisco GonzálezDepartment of Gastroenterology
Dietetics: drug-food interaction
- Private video | Spanish | 86' 26''
: Ms María Cristina TaboadaDepartment of Physiology, University of Santiago de Compostela
Feb 23, 2018
Food poisoning by metais
DIETHERAPY: Food poisoning by metais. Wilson's sickness. Controlled diet in copper. Diets adapted to specific pathology
- Private video | Spanish | 57' 01''
: Carlos J. MagdalenaLecturer, University of Vigo
DIETHERAPY: Food poisoning by metais. Wilson's sickness. Controlled diet in copper. Diets adapted to specific pathology
- Private video | Spanish | 45' 27''
: Carlos J. MagdalenaLecturer, University of Vigo
TECHNIQUES IN DIETS: Elements of the diet and its weighting
- Private video | Spanish | 107' 20''
: Ms. Cristina Pérez GilDietary Supervisor. Nutritionist
Mar 1, 2018
DIETOTERAPIA: Nutritional support in digestive surgery
- Private video | Spanish | 76' 13''
: Ms. Raquel Sánchez SantosGeneral Surgery and Digestive Department, Hospital Complex of Pontevedra
DIETOTERAPIA: Nutrition in bariatric surgery
- Private video | Spanish | 92' 29''
: Ms. Raquel Sánchez SantosGeneral Surgery and Digestive Department, Hospital Complex of Pontevedra
Mar 8, 2018
THERAPY WITH DIETS: Celiac disease. Controlled diet in gluten
- Private video | Spanish | 43' 05''
: Ms. Regina Palmeiro CarballeiraSpecialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition, University Hospital of Vigo
CLINICAL NUTRITION. Planning of the hospital diet code. Usefulness in body composition in endocrinology
- Private video | Spanish | 73' 56''
: Dr. Diego Bellido GuerreroDoctor, Specialist in endocrinology and Nutrition
Mar 9, 2018
DIETETICS: Design and programming of physical exercise in the patient with obesity
- Private video | Spanish | 128' 55''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
TECHNIQUES IN DIETS: Adjustment of the diet to the individual nutritional requirements
- Private video | Spanish | 94' 48''
: Ms. Cristina Pérez GilDietary Supervisor. Nutritionist
Mar 15, 2018
DIETOTHERAPY: Dietotherapy in pathologies with alterations in the processing of carbohydrates
- Private video | Spanish | 103' 07''
: Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez OlmosEndocrinology and Nutrition Service, Hospital of Conxo CHUS
DIETOTHERAPY: Nutritional support in hematologic patient. Bone marrow transplant
- Private video | Spanish | 53' 36''
: Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez OlmosEndocrinology and Nutrition Service, Hospital of Conxo CHUS
Mar 16, 2018
CLINICAL NUTRITION: Diets with artificial texture modification
- Private video | Spanish | 50' 41''
: Ms. Regina Palmeiro CarballeiraSpecialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition, University Hospital of Vigo
DIETOTECNIA: Development of diets. Transformation of diets into menus
- Private video | Spanish | 119' 59''
: Ms. Cristina Pérez GilDietary Supervisor. Nutritionist
Mar 22, 2018
DIETETICS: Allergy and intolerance
- Private video | Spanish | 53' 54''
: Ms. Regina Palmeiro CarballeiraSpecialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition, University Hospital of Vigo
Mar 23, 2018
CLINICAL NUTRITION: Peri-Operative nutrition I
- Private video | Spanish | 46' 54''
: Carlos J. MagdalenaLecturer, University of Vigo
CLINICAL NUTRITION: Peri-Operative nutrition II
- Private video | Spanish | 38' 23''
: Carlos J. MagdalenaLecturer, University of Vigo
DIETOTECNIA: Diet adjustment to individual nutritional requirements
- Private video | Spanish | 112' 12''
: Ms. Cristina Pérez GilDietary Supervisor. Nutritionist
Apr 5, 2018
DIETETICS: Feeding and nutrition balanced on communities
- Private video | Spanish | 62' 46''
: Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez OlmosEndocrinology and Nutrition Service, Hospital of Conxo CHUS
CLINICAL NUTRITION: Nutrition enteral and parenteral in home
- Private video | Spanish | 67' 19''
: Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez OlmosEndocrinology and Nutrition Service, Hospital of Conxo CHUS