Total search results: 6214
DIETETICS: Drug-food interaction (audio)
Master of Nutrition 18 / 19
Sculpture and reliefs
Classical Art 18/19
Morphological analysis: word formation, activities
Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish II - 18/19
Face-to-face session of the subject of Subtitling (IV)
Translation Multimedia Master 2018 / 19
Face-to-face session of the subject of Subtitling (III, advanced group)
CLINICAL NUTRITION: Home enteral and parenteral nutrition DIETÉTICA: Balanced nutrition and nutrition in communities
CLINICAL NUTRITION: Monitoring and Complications of enteral nutrition and parenteral
TECHNIQUES IN DIETS Utility of different computer programs in the diet planning
DIETOTHERAPY: Dietotherapy in pathologies with alterations in the processing of carbohydrates. Controlled diet in lactose, fructoras, sucrose and galactose
Face-to-face session of the Practice subject
Face-to-face session of the subject of Subtitling (II)
Face-to-face session of the subject of Subtitling (I, initial group)