Total search results: 6218
Pinnatoxins and other compounds from Vulcanodinium rugosum
Marine & Freshwater Toxins Analysis
Questions. Pinnatoxins and other compounds from Vulcanodinium rugosum
The first experience of a young student in an analytical chemistry laboratory facing research on the analysis of marine and freshwater toxins
Microcystins in Alberta Lake Water. Measuring the familiar and discovering the new
Questions. Comparison of matrix effects for mussels and passive samplersnusing low and high resolution mass spectrometry
Comparison of matrix effects for mussels and passive samplersnusing low and high resolution mass spectrometry
Questions. Tetrodotoxin Detection in Greek shellfish by UPLC-MS/MS and potential link to presence of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimun
Tetrodotoxin Detection in Greek shellfish by UPLC-MS/MS and potential link to presence of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimun
The development and validation of biotoxin gene QPCR assays for the monitoring and management of biotoxin risk in aquatic environments; from river to sea
Questions. Recent advances on the taxonomy of harmful marine dinoflagellates
Real Time PCR methodologies as a routine monitoring tool for the detection of Pseudo-nitzschia, Azadinium y Alexandrium species in Irish waters
Questions. The development and validation of biotoxin gene QPCR assays for the monitoring and management of biotoxin risk in aquatic environments; from river to sea