Multimedia objects with tag: Opencast
Date: 01/2017
Transmission of artistic knowledge through other senses
Feel the Sea
- Language: Galician
- Viewed: 328 times
Presentation of the matter of grammatical foundations 2
Grammatical fundaments of galician and spanish II
- Language: Galician
- Viewed: 10 times
General Linguistics. Subjetc 1. The language. Part I
- Degree in Language Sciences and Literature Studies
- Language: Galician
- Viewed: 33 times
Digital competence in compulsory education students: socio-family environments, appropriation processes and e-inclusion proposals. Analysis of the design of a coordinated research project
- PhD in Equity
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 81 times
Presentation of the documentary "Red Tiles"
VII Coffee with salt
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 451 times
Documentary "Red Tides"
VII Coffee with salt
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 1383 times
Red Tiles. Question Time
- Open lectures on marine research topics
- Language: Galician
- Viewed: 730 times
Inauguration of the conference cycle
VII Coffee with salt
- Language: Galician
- Viewed: 972 times
Date: 12/2016
Reflections on a proposal of pedagogical intervention with the cinema to educate in values (1997-2017)
- PhD in Equity
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 86 times
To investigate in educational contexts through pedagogical interventions: processes and strategies
- PhD in Equity
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 82 times
Linguistic and cultural maintenance in immigrant communities
- PhD in Equity
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 62 times
Student involvement and improvement of the school. Qualitative research in schools in Cantabria
- PhD in Equity
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 57 times