Multimedia objects with tag: Opencast
Date: 05/2017
MOOCs platforms: Canvas vs. edX
- Part II
- Language: English
- Viewed: 287 times
Roman painting
Classical Art
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 5 times
Sustainable solutions for mass educational video production and management in MOOC environments
The project MarMOOC
- Language: English
- Viewed: 286 times
Sustainable solutions for mass educational video production and management in MOOC environments
- Questions
- Language: English
- Viewed: 368 times
MOOCs platforms: Canvas vs. edX
- Part I
- Language: English
- Viewed: 268 times
Learning Analytics and MOOCs
The project MarMOOC
- Language: English
- Viewed: 303 times
Network infrastructure : the UVIGO example
The project MarMOOC
- Language: English
- Viewed: 316 times
FAITIC: The virtual campus of the Universidade de Vigo
The project MarMOOC
- Language: English
- Viewed: 381 times
Exchange of experiences on the networks, the creation and the territory
- Paper
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 254 times
Introduction to edX : a practical perspective
- Part II
- Language: English
- Viewed: 288 times
Seminar To-Translate Historical Memory (Colloquium)
- Translation and paratraduction of the mutant phonomenology of nazism
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 333 times