Multimedia objects with tag: Matterhorn
Date: 03/2018
TECHNIQUES IN DIETS: Adjustment of the diet to the individual nutritional requirements
Master of Nutrition 17 / 18
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 72 times
DIETETICS: Design and programming of physical exercise in the patient with obesity
Master of Nutrition 17 / 18
- Language: Sp
- Viewed: 44 times
THERAPY WITH DIETS: Celiac disease. Controlled diet in gluten
Master of Nutrition 17 / 18
- Language: Esp
- Viewed: 56 times
DIETOTERAPIA: Nutrition in bariatric surgery
Master of Nutrition 17 / 18
- Language: Esp
- Viewed: 43 times
DIETOTERAPIA: Nutritional support in digestive surgery
Master of Nutrition 17 / 18
- Language: Esp
- Viewed: 44 times
Date: 02/2018
TECHNIQUES IN DIETS: Elements of the diet and its weighting
Master of Nutrition 17 / 18
- Language: Sp
- Viewed: 95 times
DIETHERAPY: Food poisoning by metais. Wilson's sickness. Controlled diet in copper. Diets adapted to specific pathology
- Part II
- Language: Sp
- Viewed: 40 times
DIETHERAPY: Food poisoning by metais. Wilson's sickness. Controlled diet in copper. Diets adapted to specific pathology
- Part 1
- Language: Sp
- Viewed: 37 times
Dietetics: drug-food interaction
Master of Nutrition 17 / 18
- Language: Esp
- Viewed: 50 times
Dietotherapy: Nutritional support in the oncologic patient. Cachexia-Anorexia syndrome
- Part II
- Language: Esp
- Viewed: 27 times
Dietotherapy: Nutritional support in the oncologic patient. Cachexia-Anorexia syndrome
- Part I
- Language: Esp
- Viewed: 58 times