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AERFAI Summer School on Pattern Recognition in Multimodal Human Interaction

Date of holding: 04/06/2012
Hotel Bahía de Vigo, Vigo
"Human Action Recognition"
Part 1
Video  |  English  |  64' 26''  |  Viewed: 3198 times
Mr. Ivan Laptev
INRIA, WILLOW, ENS/INRIA/CNRS UMR 8548, Laboratoire d'Informatique, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
"Human Action Recognition"
Part 2
Video  |  English  |  84' 24''  |  Viewed: 2388 times
Mr. Ivan Laptev
INRIA, WILLOW, ENS/INRIA/CNRS UMR 8548, Laboratoire d'Informatique, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Video  |  English  |  3' 45''  |  Viewed: 1939 times
Mr. Ivan Laptev
INRIA, WILLOW, ENS/INRIA/CNRS UMR 8548, Laboratoire d'Informatique, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
"Practice Session"
Video  |  English  |  13' 01''  |  Viewed: 1991 times
Mr. Ivan Laptev
INRIA, WILLOW, ENS/INRIA/CNRS UMR 8548, Laboratoire d'Informatique, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Date of holding: 05/06/2012
Hotel Bahía de Vigo, Vigo
"Component Analysis for Human Sensing"
Part 1
Video private  |  English  |  120' 08''  |  Viewed: 42 times
Mr. Fernando de la Torre
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
"Component Analysis for Human Sensing"
Part 2
Video private  |  English  |  127' 45''  |  Viewed: 19 times
Mr. Fernando de la Torre
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
"Facial Signals in Affect Analysis"
Part 1
Video  |  English  |  98' 05''  |  Viewed: 1971 times
Mr. Albert Ali Salah
Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University
"Facial Signals in Affect Analysis"
Part 2
Video  |  English  |  81' 48''  |  Viewed: 2223 times
Mr. Albert Ali Salah
Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University
Date of holding: 07/06/2012
Hotel Bahía de Vigo, Vigo
"Deep Neural Networks for Speech and Image Processing"
Video  |  English  |  72' 33''  |  Viewed: 3089 times
Mr. Alex Acero
Microsoft Research
"Audio and Video Research in Kinect"
Video  |  English  |  83' 32''  |  Viewed: 2375 times
Mr. Alex Acero
Microsoft Research
"Mobile Voice Search"
Video  |  English  |  62' 19''  |  Viewed: 1983 times
Mr. Alex Acero
Microsoft Research
"Speaker-Listener Interactions"
Part 1
Video  |  English  |  67' 06''  |  Viewed: 2169 times
Mr. Ronald Poppe
University of Twente
"Speaker-Listener Interactions"
Part 2
Video  |  English  |  47' 48''  |  Viewed: 2000 times
Mr. Ronald Poppe
University of Twente
Date of holding: 08/06/2012
Hotel Bahía de Vigo, Vigo
"Speaker State and Trait Analysis"
Part 1
Video  |  English  |  85' 34''  |  Viewed: 2056 times
Mr. Björn W. Schuller
Technische Universität München
"Speaker State and Trait Analysis"
Part 2
Video  |  English  |  152' 37''  |  Viewed: 1863 times
Mr. Björn W. Schuller
Technische Universität München
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