Advanced training in InVEST models for assessing ecosystem
Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
PhD Campus do mar - Year 2013-14
Coastal dynamics and environmental assessment
PhD Campus do mar - Year 2012-13
Tracking and monitoring the health status of aquaculture and natural populations. CFA3_4C
Baliza: A arte como hipótese 2014
Art and social coordination: Communication from the difference
Design and patent proposal in scientific jobs
Five reasons not to organize a MOOC. And some to do
Electronic Instrumentation and Sensors 2014
Sustainability Strategies: participation and governance. CFT2_4C
Etymology and the OED: linguistic approaches to lexicographical problems
Comprehensive assessment of marine pollution in the coastal zone. CFA5_4C
Molecular Biotechnology. CFA3_3C