Master of Nutrition 15/16
Apr 21, 2016
Nutrition Survey
- Private video | Spanish | 73' 20''
: Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez OlmosEndocrinology and Nutrition Service, Hospital of Conxo CHUS
Apr 28, 2016
Dietetics, allergy and intolerance
- Private video | Spanish | 36' 27''
: Ms. Regina Palmeiro CarballeiraSpecialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition, University Hospital of Vigo
Dietecics: programming and design of physical exercises for the patient with obesity.
- Private video | Spanish | 133' 30''
: Mr. Federico Mallo FerrerPhysiology Professor, University of Vigo
Apr 29, 2016
Clinical Nutrition part (I)
- Private video | Spanish | 85' 50''
: Mss Eva M. Menor FernándezEmergency medicine specialist, CHUVI
Clinical Nutrition part (II)
- Private video | Spanish | 63' 04''
: Mss Eva M. Menor FernándezEmergency medicine specialist, CHUVI
May 5, 2016
Clinical nutrition: Monitoring and complications enteral nutrition and parental
- Private video | Spanish | 78' 37''
Conference introduced by: Mss Eva M. Menor FernándezEmergency medicine specialist, CHUVI
: Dª. Eva Graña MenduiñaSculptor school Acuña
Clinical nutrition: Nutrition enteral and parenteral nutrition composition and ways to access
- Private video | Spanish | 92' 10''
: Mss Eva M. Menor FernándezEmergency medicine specialist, CHUVI
May 6, 2016
Clinical nutrition, hospital planning code diets
- Private video | Spanish | 43' 30''
: Dr. Diego Bellido GuerreroDoctor, Specialist in endocrinology and Nutrition
Body composition analysis
- Private video | Spanish | 42' 21''
: Dr. Diego Bellido GuerreroDoctor, Specialist in endocrinology and Nutrition
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