Multimedia objects with tag: Summer scientific campuses
Date: 08/2014
Establecimiento de valores background de PAHs y PAHs alquilados en sedimentos de la costa atlántica española
DO*Mar Student Day
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 20 times
Extraccion de lipasas de termofilos y halofitos mediante líquidos ionicos
DO*Mar Student Day
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 23 times
CLUSTER 2. Sustainable use of marine resources
DO*Mar Student Day
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 12 times
de novo genome sequencing and comparative genomics of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
DO*Mar Student Day
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 16 times
Thermohaline adjustments induced by climate and morphologic change in contrasting lagoons: Ría de Aveiro and Ría Formosa
DO*Mar Student Day
- Language: Portuguese
- Viewed: 16 times
Ecología de paralarvas de cefalópodos en un sistema de afloramiento estacional
DO*Mar Student Day
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 21 times
CLUSTER 1. Ocean observation and global change
DO*Mar Student Day
- Language: Portuguese
- Viewed: 16 times