Participation in the decision-making process and codetermination in SSF in Europe - Part II
Scientific and technical advice for the assessment and management of small-scale fisheries (SSF). 1415_CFA9
Participation in the decision-making process and codetermination in SSF in Europe - Part I
Use of indicators as a tool for evaluation of sustainability (social, ecological, institutional and economic) in SSF Part I
Estimating abundance from of catch and effort data in fish/cephalopods in Galicia - Part II
Estimating abundance from of catch and effort data in fish/cephalopods in Galicia - Part I
Tools for advice on the management of shellfish resources Part III
Tools for advice on the management of shellfish resources Part II
Tools for advice on the management of shellfish resources Part I
The model of the Technical Assistance in the Confraternities of Galicia
Scientific and technical support in SSF: The Barefoot Ecologists, models throughout the world.
Time Series