Multimedia objects with tag: C.A.C.T.I. - Centro de Apoio Científico-Tecnolóxico á Investigación
Date: 11/2017
Length-based methods for assessing stock status in SSF
- Computer lab class II
- Language: English
- Viewed: 7 times
Length-based methods for assessing stock status in SSF
- Computer lab class I
- Language: English
- Viewed: 26 times
Length-based methods for assessing stock status in SSF
- Theoretical background
- Language: English
- Viewed: 28 times
Fishing gears: characteristics, selectivity, impacts
- Part II
- Language: English
- Viewed: 16 times
Fishing gears: characteristics, selectivity, impacts
- Question time
- Language: English
- Viewed: 10 times
Fishing gears: characteristics, selectivity, impacts
- Part I
- Language: English
- Viewed: 40 times
Date: 10/2017
Structural Policy
Economics and management of marine resources
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 2 times
Common Fisheries Policy
Economics and management of marine resources
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 1 time
Sustainable management of living marine resources from an economic perspective:
- Experiences in the framework of the PPC
- Language: Spanish
- Viewed: 3 times
Date: 09/2017
Empirical applications
Economics and management of marine resources
- Language: English
- Viewed: 1 time
The management of fisheries
Economics and management of marine resources
- Language: English
- Viewed: 1 time
Empirical application of the dynamic model
Economics and management of marine resources
- Language: English
- Viewed: 1 time