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Blue spaces as a resource of human well-being

Date of holding: 17/11/2016

Viewed: 419 times
Round of questions

The CdM ISC'16 is the second science conference organized by the CdM. This 2-days event provides a forum for presenting and discussing new research developments in marine science, technology and management. The theme of the conference, "Oceans: Future sustainability challenges", reflects the growing understanding of the importance of ocean sustainability in crucial areas for human wellbeing, namely in the environmental, economic and social dimensions. The CdM ISC'16 is also a prime opportunity for DO*MAR students and other young researchers to present their research achievements, discuss them with senior peers, and submit them to international indexed journals.

Conference introduced by Tiago H. Silva
3db's research group
Irene Oliveira
University of Tras os Montes and Alto Douro/CITAB
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